Natalie Audelo


designing social architecture and community experiences that build trust, generate creativity, and encourage authentic human connection. exploring the healing power of play, movement, music and other integrative practices.

  • Preview of p-cyoxvj1ujxx

    Beautiful reminder to treat each other with great tenderness. Sending big love to everyone feeling the weight of grief. 💜 @rosemerry.trommer words via @alexmammadyarov


  • from On Taste and Congruence

    building better neighborhoods & communal spaces

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    When I began my journey into deathcare I was merely following a tickle of a calling that eventually sparked a fire within me fueled by purpose and passion far greater than I could have ever imagined. The mission of my work and of Going with Grace has always been clear—to support people as they answer the question “What must I do to be at peace with myself so I may live presently and die peacefully?” What wasn’t always so clear was the road by which to get there. Growing a business in a field that is (although becoming less) taboo has been complex. Some days I felt clear and there was effervescence in my blood and other days I would cry and feel lost, wondering where I got the nerve to take on death. But excavating your gifts doesn’t have to be a strenous undertaking!! The things that helped me to keep on keepin’ on during those unclear times were staying curious, choosing to play, slowing down to listen to my intuition, and surrounding myself with some really rad deathy folks who remind me that I’m not alone. Gratefully, that community of deathworkers who are LIT all the way up about making a difference in the world is only growing and it’s one of the reasons we created the EVOLVE business course to bring you together for support and guidance. 🙌🏿 ✨Our next round of this 6-week intensive course begins in April and we cap each session at 15 students so if you’re interested, don’t wait to join in on the fun!✨ We share your vision. Now let us support you in bringing it to life while you do death. 💜💀 @gisellebuchanan

  • from Strategy in an Age of Uncertainty by Nathan Furr

  • from Discovering Joy Through Embodied Exercise by Sam Sager

    loving the process

  • from Eight Ways to Banish Misery by Arthur C. Brooks

    Mindfulness and Benefits of Boredom

  • Preview of cwa4uido-z0

    I see this so often at the end of life. People who still try to handle things themselves that they clearly can no longer. It’s heartbreaking to watch someone struggle with vulnerability and at the same time, totally understandable. We live in a culture which values individuality and ‘strength’ and learning how to rely on others and receive is a great big work to be done at the end of life when there is no choice. How have you practiced receiving today????? 💜 @mindfulmft

  • from How to Do Hard Things

    questions i keep coming back to

  • from Taylor Swift and the Good Girl Trap

    power structures and dynamics