the art of gathering

the art of gathering

the art and a science of gathering in ways that can bring joy and fulfillment to any meeting

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My Favorite Learnings from Priya Parker’s “The Art of Gathering”

Facilitation Techniques and Workshop Activities | Library
Thumbnail of Facilitation Techniques and Workshop Activities | Library


Gathering Structures
Thumbnail of Gathering Structures

Adrienne Matei The Type of Charisma That Saves a Holiday Party

Notes & Highlights for How We Show Up by Mia Birdsong

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Wanna skip rocks? Why yes, yes I do. Thanks @jenncolella for the read. 🫶🏽 “While grabbing dinner with a friend can be engaging, it’s a far cry from elaborate forest ceremonies.” How did you play as a child? How do you play now? 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 Loved this piece from @rhainacohen for @theatlantic. #theartofgathering #friendship #play #makingmemories

Jeanette Winterson Why I Adore the Night, by Jeanette Winterson

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The first five minutes of a gathering can change everything. My most recent newsletter is now online and available for all. In it, I take on one of my favorite topics: the magic of a good opening. For the full read, check out my monthly newsletter in my Linktree ✨