Established brands and products will see an uptick in customer loyalty/retention. Their job becomes less about convincing the customer to stick with them and more about ensuring that if the customer comes asking for Billy’s Fizzpop, Billy’s Fizzpop is on the shelf — lest the out-of-stock replacement algorithm suggests Doctor Jimbo’s Diet Swish inst... See more
this piece by Brian Armstrong got a lot of shit, but i think the underlying premise is valid. it is hard enough to try to solve one big problem, let alone to be on the hook for all the other problems plaguing the world
Google Adwords changed all of that. That, as well as free weblog hosting, fuelled the blogging bubble. You wrote a blog using a weblog system that came with decent SEO baked in (semantic structure and cross-linking, that’s all you needed back then). Most of your traffic came from Google’s search results. All of your revenue came from Google’s Adwor... See more
If blindly adhering to your tribe’s goals or working bullshit jobs at a corporation is about somebody else’s goals (“other”), and the creator economy is about you (“me”), this collectivism I speak of is about a redefinition of “us”.
What Ed’s saying is when you sit down for any creative session, the bad ideas come first. Instead of resisting them, write them down. As your brain sees more and more ideas, it begins to pattern match the interesting parts. Then, after a little while, the good ideas start to flow.