if your job is legible enough that people can make a dataset clearly pointing out what is right and what is wrong, you are at the highest risk for an AI model being “superhuman” at your job. It is even more risky if it is possible to articulate your thought process in a way that is verifiable.
Looking at this perspective, it makes more sense that c... See more
Taste is eating software. Taste is the new weapon.
Whether in design, branding, or user experience, taste now defines how a product is perceived and felt as well as how it is adopted, i.e. distributed (whether it’s software or hardware or both). Technology has become deeply intertwined with culture. People now engage with technology as part of their... See more
While in theory the notion of Quality might appear rather philosophical and idealistic, in practice it could not be more pragmatic. One can think of Quality as simply the highest -leverage input into a system. F or illustrative purposes we could envision a continuum of layers starting with a company’s high -level outputs: financial figures and key ... See more
I mentioned that implicit conviction “comes from something deeper than the cause and effect we perceive in the unfolding of events.” What exactly is this deeper -something? My first attempt to answer this question happened spontaneously, over a decade ago: “Some companies have a soul,” I found myself saying to a friend over lunch, “others are just ... See more