dreaming of a better internet

craving online spaces where the pace is slower, the vibes are better, and that make us feel good about ourselves and the world. this is a collection of musings on a cozier, more magical internet

by sari and · updated 6d ago

  • sari added 6d ago

  • from 404 Page Not Found | Kate Wagner by Kate Wagner

    linda added 12d ago

  • A world fit for humans | Ben Sixsmith | The Critic Magazine

    by Ben Sixsmith

    Thumbnail of A world fit for humans | Ben Sixsmith | The Critic Magazine

    alex added 24d ago

  • Be part of a better internet

    5 highlights

    Thumbnail of Be part of a better internet

    Alex Dobrenko added 1mo ago

  • from Be part of a better internet

    Alex Dobrenko added 1mo ago

  • The Social Media Death Spiral

    Thumbnail of The Social Media Death Spiral

    alex added 1mo ago

  • from It's Time to Lie Down and Be Counted by Drew Austin

    sari added 1mo ago

  • from The Smart Web does exist (but it needs your support)

    phoebe added 1mo ago

  • Home-Cooked Software and Barefoot Developers

    by Maggie Appleton

    12 highlights

    Thumbnail of Home-Cooked Software and Barefoot Developers

    Keely Adler added 2mo ago

  • from The two futures of media

    sari added 2mo ago