• The 1000 Day Rule : What Living the Dream Really Looks Like | Tropical MBA

    by Dan Andrews

    Thumbnail of The 1000 Day Rule : What Living the Dream Really Looks Like | Tropical MBA

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  • from archive.ph

    machines are trying to be more human, but are we?

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    failings of the modern internet

  • from Notes on scale + quality

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  • from Your Life Is Driven by Network Effects by James Currier

    we are shaped by our tools, systems, and environment

  • Your Life Is Driven by Network Effects

    by James Currier

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    Thumbnail of Your Life Is Driven by Network Effects

    building communities

  • A few questions to use in the moment

    by Pimethy

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    Thumbnail of A few questions to use in the moment

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  • from Principles: Life and Work by Ray Dalio

    building communities