Natalie Audelo


designing social architecture and community experiences that build trust, generate creativity, and encourage authentic human connection. exploring the healing power of play, movement, music and other integrative practices.

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    I see this so often at the end of life. People who still try to handle things themselves that they clearly can no longer. It’s heartbreaking to watch someone struggle with vulnerability and at the same time, totally understandable. We live in a culture which values individuality and ‘strength’ and learning how to rely on others and receive is a great big work to be done at the end of life when there is no choice. How have you practiced receiving today????? 💜 @mindfulmft

  • redefining success and building a new world

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    A design studio called donttakethisthewrongway has placed the bags throughout the city for anyone to take a moment to relieve some tension! The bright yellow bags feature an image of a fist and say ‘Public punching bag. Use at your own risk. A healthy place for frustrations.’ The design studio said: ‘The concept explores designing common spaces for the frustrations we all face. Frustrations that go beyond designed systems and happen, well, because we are human.’ ‘The public punching bag offers an outlet for these emotions as a means to maybe develop a healthier way to address personal and collective issues in a public setting.’ Let us know your thoughts below! #memereport 🥊

    cool concepts

  • loving the process and good questions

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    “If we’re going to change our culture, we have to change our narrative. That’s what it comes down to. We have to change the mental model that our brains are using to make sense of the world.” —Trabian Shorters, founder of @bmecommunity Find a link in our bio to listen to Trabian’s full On Being conversation with Krista: A Cognitive Skill to Magnify Humanity. #onbeing #newsletter #summer #pause #wisdom #recommended #subscribe #spirituality #kristatippett #trabianshorters #assetframing #bmecommunity

    On Being and