Natalie Audelo


designing social architecture and community experiences that build trust, generate creativity, and encourage authentic human connection. exploring the healing power of play, movement, music and other integrative practices.

  • from You Are You. We Live Here. This is Now. by Freddie deBoer

    in my (not so fun) feels

  • from what great inconvenience by Anne Helen Petersen


  • from Martin Scorsese: “I have to find out who the hell I am” by Zach Baron

    loving the process and

  • from The big idea: why we should spend more time talking to strangers by Sophie McBain

    loving the process

  • from Rick Rubin — Magic, Everyday Mystery, and Getting Creative by On Being

  • from Quiet Openings

    loving the process and going slow

  • from Discovering Joy Through Embodied Exercise by Sam Sager

    loving the process