Natalie Audelo


designing social architecture and community experiences that build trust, generate creativity, and encourage authentic human connection. exploring the healing power of play, movement, music and other integrative practices.

  • from 3-2-1: On saving money, controlling your anger, and what love looks like


  • from It takes a daily effort to be free - Austin Kleon

  • Preview of p-czgcbi4oajo

    🍽️ the Art Cafe is fully booked this weekend. :) Join us next weekend by dm’ing to get your spot! See y’all soon!

    cool concepts

  • Happy Medium @gethappymedium

    Thumbnail of Happy Medium @gethappymedium

    cool concepts

  • from Creative Communities

    how to build trust

  • from The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron

    living a creative life

  • Preview of 3a8b99a8-jpeg

  • Preview of adb6ef738c01-jpeg

  • from 3-2-1: How to be consistent, the value of beauty, and designing for relaxation

    good advice

  • from what great inconvenience by Anne Helen Petersen
