3-2-1: On saving money, controlling your anger, and what love looks like

3-2-1: On saving money, controlling your anger, and what love looks like

Thumbnail of 3-2-1: On saving money, controlling your anger, and what love looks like

3-2-1: On self-worth, how to have style, and how to build a great career

Thumbnail of 3-2-1: On self-worth, how to have style, and how to build a great career


3-2-1: How to find your way in life, the power of quiet weeks, and the problem with smart people

Thumbnail of 3-2-1: How to find your way in life, the power of quiet weeks, and the problem with smart people


unoptimal and added

3-2-1: The excuses we live by, how to handle your mistakes, and when productivity doesn't matter

Thumbnail of 3-2-1: The excuses we live by, how to handle your mistakes, and when productivity doesn't matter

Britt Gage added

18 Life-Learnings From 18 Years of the Marginalian

Maria Popovathemarginalian.org

Douglas Woods and added

The Marginalian

Thumbnail of The Marginalian

and added

Brain Food: Chalkboard Decisions

Thumbnail of Brain Food: Chalkboard Decisions
