Natalie Audelo


designing social architecture and community experiences that build trust, generate creativity, and encourage authentic human connection. exploring the healing power of play, movement, music and other integrative practices.

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    Good morning šŸŒž Image ID: On Waking Up I am wondering when newer became better. When we forsook the familiar for ideas of the future, mistook the mundane for less than extraordinary, wrote it off like a story. I am wondering when less stopped being more. When we began to believe that everything could be found in a store, that satisfaction will never be enough for you or for me. I am wondering when we fell for the lie. When we accepted that weā€™re here to work til we die, that our days are measured not in meaning but minutes and maximum efficiency. I am wondering when we can say weā€™ve made it. When we will look back and claim that the searching for fame and the making a name was worth what was lost, becoming somebody. I am wondering when the world will wake up. When we will open our eyes and realize that in staying asleep to keep chasing the dream, we forgot all we have: just this, to be.

    Life and

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  • Luck and curiosity

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    (19/54) ā€œIt has always been my philosophy: wherever I am, I try to make the most of the responsibilities I am given. Managing a factory was not my ideal position. I had hoped to find a place where I could have more of a national impact. But I tried my best to improve the lives of the people nearest to me. I continued to hold meetings with the workers. I studied employment practices from all over the world, and drafted a policy of workerā€™s rights. It was very progressive for the time. But when I presented the document to the Department of Laborā€” it was approved for the entire factory. Five thousand lives were made better. In 1975 the king made an announcement that he was dissolving all political parties and combining them into one. He claimed that it was an attempt at unity, but it was abhorrent to me. A country cannot be ruled by a single voice. In the next election I decided to return to Nahavand and run for parliament as my own man. Mitra was against it. She told me that I was too honest for politics, too naive. She said: ā€˜Even if you win. Youā€™re a single voice. The rest of the parliament will still be controlled by the king.ā€™ Even my father didnā€™t want me to run. He didnā€™t think I stood a chance, and he didnā€™t want to see me get my heart broken. The king had to approve all candidates, and heā€™d chosen two of his closest allies as my opponents. One of them played volleyball with the king and empress. The other was Undersecretary of Education for the entire country. He was so confident of his victory that heā€™d already resigned from his previous position. After I announced my candidacy, he paid me a visit. He told me: ā€˜I want you to know. Everyone in government is supporting me. And this position has been promised to me.ā€™ I told him: ā€˜Iā€™m very happy for you. I have no intention of winning. But I am going to say what I have to say.ā€

    Humans of New York and

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    Beautiful reminder to treat each other with great tenderness. Sending big love to everyone feeling the weight of grief. šŸ’œ @rosemerry.trommer words via @alexmammadyarov


  • Rick Rubin and patience