Natalie Audelo


designing social architecture and community experiences that build trust, generate creativity, and encourage authentic human connection. exploring the healing power of play, movement, music and other integrative practices.

  • loving the process

  • from The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron

    in my (not so fun) feels

  • good leadership

  • from 3-2-1: How to connect with others, what causes old age, and the recipe for success

    descriptions of people and

  • from Smart Things I’ve Read Lately by Morgan Housel

    redefining success

  • from How to Worry Less and Be Happier by Arthur C. Brooks

    in my (not so fun) feels

  • from How to Activate your Community for Impact by David Spinks

    community activation x social impact

  • from How Will You Measure Your Life? by Clay Christensen