The problem: Technology and music have always engaged in a symbiotic path towards innovation and creativity. The first recording devices, synthesizers, and even records were a result of technological innovators. Likewise, the first computers and mobile devices prioritized music as a key feature. The way we produce, consume, and support music has ch... See more
"Ben Hunt’s canonical essay “Snip!” from 2019 is one of my favorite short reads of all time. It’s a prescient look at the seismic shifts that will occur as the cord that once connected taxes and spending is cut. Read the piece later, but for now just know that it outlines the enormous real and psychological impact of renouncing the most important m... See more
It turns out, sometimes a switch to a different, more attractive occupation can make a male more desirable than a large salary increase. For example, the data from online dating sites suggests that a man who earned $60K in the hospitality industry would become more desirable, on average, if he earned the same amount as a firefighter than if he stay... See more
To make decentralized identity useful and widespread, it is important to introduce on-ramps for people to record their experiences and affinities on the blockchain, such as their educational accomplishments, professional achievements, or fanships. Some companies are already tackling this challenge. Violet aims to authenticate off-chain, personally ... See more
Online education 2.0 is about group courses, community, vocational training, and edutainment. A lot of smart people are experimenting with new approaches. Teachable is taking the Shopify approach of “arming the rebels” by enabling anyone to easily set up an online course. David Perell, Tiago Forte and Nat Eliason are building online-first schools f... See more