Natalie Audelo


designing social architecture and community experiences that build trust, generate creativity, and encourage authentic human connection. exploring the healing power of play, movement, music and other integrative practices.

  • from carry yourself lightly by Nix đź•Š

    loving the process

  • from A Crush Can Teach You a Lot About Yourself by Faith Hill

  • Preview of 3a8b99a8-jpeg

  • The opposite of retail therapy is fearless generosity.

from Eco-Friendly Products

  • loving the process and Creativity

  • from Everybody has to self-promote now. Nobody wants to. by Rebecca Jennings

  • from On Taste and Congruence

    on taste

  • from You and I are Earth by Anna Fusco

  • from The Nobel Prize in Literature 1996 by Wislawa Szymborska

    loving the process and