• Human Interactions/Relationships & Connections

    10 cards · by MargaretC and

    MargaretC added 2mo ago

  • Preview of p-c45ydrcpap6

    From The Lily comics archives: Why are adult friendships so hard to make (and keep)? “It can be really difficult to find someone who vibes with you,” writes cartoonist @kagwheeler. Plus, she continues, “We may not have the same opportunities to make new friends that were available to us in school or at that terrible bar gig.” Read more through the link in our bio. #wapocomics

    Natalie Audelo added 3mo ago

  • from Tweet by Amanda Natividad

    rob hardy added 3mo ago

  • Preview of 5757bd96-jpeg

    Lani Assaf added 4mo ago

  • from Notes on friendship as a co-adventure by Michael Ashcroft

    Lani Assaf added 4mo ago

  • andrea added 5mo ago

  • from Anna Quindlen's Commencement Address at Villanova by Anna Quindlen

    Sam Liebeskind added 6mo ago

  • Sam Liebeskind added 6mo ago

  • from Friendship research is getting an update – and that's key for dealing with the loneliness epidemic by Jessica D. Ayers

    Sam Liebeskind added 8mo ago

  • sari added 8mo ago