Saved by rob hardy
A key rule of theatre is that the King is never played by the actor playing the King, but by all the other actors around him.
The amateur believes that, before she can act, she must receive permission from some Omnipotent Other — a lover or spouse, a parent, a boss, a figure of authority.
Steven Pressfield • Turning Pro
Ideally, in every scene each character brings out qualities that mark the dimensions of the others, all held in constellation by the weight of the protagonist at the center.
Robert McKee • Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting
the protagonist creates the rest of the cast.
Robert McKee • Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting
As in a book with multiple first-person narrators, the I role can get passed around. There’s always one self, but what object it is will vary. The rules of scope govern the visibility of variables (and other elements, but largely variables).
Joe Leo • The Well-Grounded Rubyist
You have always acted as if you are being watched, because you always have been. Your minds are constructed to act as both an internal actor and an external observer. You have, in your minds, an idea of what a correct life looks like. Every decision you make, you check it against the story. You have to. The panopticon is inside you.”
Hank Green • A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor: A Novel (The Carls Book 2)
From the systems perspective, the human actor is part of the feedback process, not standing apart from it. This represents a profound shift in awareness. It allows us to see how we are continually both influenced by and influencing our reality.