Andreas Vlach
Andreas Vlach
One of the great benefits of writing down the events in your life is that you will begin to see your existence as a grand story.
The Ju/’hoansi, for example, were often content to spontaneously take a day off from foraging simply because they didn’t feel like it. Even if they were hungry, they knew that putting off the food quest for a day would not have any serious ramifications. For farmers, by contrast, taking a day off just because they need a rest is rarely an option. N
... See moreIm Hirnstamm befinden sich auch Bewegungs- bzw. Rhythmus-Generatoren, die ich Marionetten-Neurone nenne. Diese Neurone organisieren sich wiederholende Bewegungen wie Gehen, Laufen, Nuckeln, Schlucken usw. Werden Marionetten-Neurone aktiviert, erfolgen rhythmische Bewegungsabläufe vom Organismus quasi marionettenhaft, also ohne dass immer wieder Bew
... See moreThe closer technology brings us to the cusp of feeling like we are the gods of our time, the more incredibly offensive it seems to be reminded of all the ways in which we still aren’t. So you get this utterly bizarre situation where the world speeds up and gets more and more efficient, and we have all this technology for saving time, but it doesn’
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