- "Move fast and break things" is outdated advice for startups. Software ate the world—and there's more competition than ever. Our startup learned the hard way to ignore this advice, and this is what happened:
Startup Advice and
- Someone please create an Ez-Pass but for news paywalls. I don’t want 20 subs. I want to be able to drop off a small toll to read sprinkles of articles all over.
This indie newsletter generated over 10,000 paying subscribers
- Why Micro-Payments for Journalism Don’t Work (Crypto or Otherwise)…
- 👋: ANN: I've been always fascinated by the origin stories of companies around us today. I'm kicking off a series of videos called "Origin Stories". For the first, I sat down with @vladtenev to talk about the origin of @RobinhoodApp Video -> See more
- there are 9,000 problems in life that have the solution "know more local people" and people will do literally anything except spend time on that
- Jerry Seinfeld on comedians constantly writing new jokes: “I want to see your best work. I’m not interested in your new work.” Applies to so many things in the content world.
Modern Wisdom: #482 - Tyler Cowen - The Secret To Finding Great Talent
7 highlights
On talent and