the inconvenience of convenience
sari and
the inconvenience of convenience
sari and
Technology increasingly robs us of the mystical in our lives. Not everything needs to be fast and available and convenient. I love ideas and products that reveal themselves slowly - more whisper than scream.
-Dennis Paphitis
Myself and people my age have been trained under the illusion that we can effectively eliminate any and all friction from our lives. We can work from home, Amazon prime everything we need, swipe through a limitless array of mediocre dates, text our therapist, and have a person go to the grocery store for us when we don’t feel like it, all while con
... See moreAbigail Disney (the Disney heiress) on how inconveniences keep us human.
going slow, taking my sweet time and reminding myself to don’t feed into a culture of urgency. there is no need to rush
Barbara • 25 cards
Today’s cult of convenience fails to acknowledge that difficulty is a constitutive feature of human experience. Convenience is all destination and no journey. But climbing a mountain is different from taking the tram to the top, even if you end up at the same place. We are becoming people who care mainly or only about outcomes. We ar
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