Natalie Audelo


designing social architecture and community experiences that build trust, generate creativity, and encourage authentic human connection. exploring the healing power of play, movement, music and other integrative practices.

  • from Baila turns one, part 2.

    reframes i love

  • Preview of p-c7pkvztj6di

    Keith Haring // "Touching people’s lives in a positive way is as close as I can get to an idea of religion. Belief in one’s self is only a mirror of belief in other people and every person."

    things i believe to be true

  • from The Terrible Twenties? The Assholocene? What to Call Our Chaotic Era by Kyle Chayka

  • from What Comes After Ambition? by elle magazine

    redefining success

  • from A Crush Can Teach You a Lot About Yourself by Faith Hill

  • from Polyfuturism—One World, Many Futures by Theo Priestley

  • from Simply This: Living an Uncomplicated Life

    in my (not so fun) feels

  • from Everybody has to self-promote now. Nobody wants to. by Rebecca Jennings

  • from No, you don't owe me a favor