looking ahead
But what we discovered by honing in clearly on what he genuinely wanted was that what he was (unconsciously) seeking was simply showing up with greater devotion to what already existed in his life.
commitment is the only secret knowledge
You can move towards something without the same seeking energy that is present when you have not yet traded your potential in for something actual — when each jolt of resonance, attraction, temptation, or consideration contains a whole universe in it that you feel the need to consider or understand before moving on with your life, before you let yo... See more
on trading potential for something actual
Slowing downwards creates opportunities to dwell more deeply in one’s life, for the home we are looking for in this world is within us all along. The lost home that we are seeking is ourselves; it is the story we carry within our soul.” — Michael Meade
Slowing downwards
But what’s different now is that I no longer delay my life for the next best thing. I choose the next thing and make it the best.
making the decision right
The future we are so worried about controlling begins to unfold smoothly, in a way it cannotwhen we are operating with such tension—always reaching, seeking, pursuing, resisting—instead of being, receiving, and allowing.
Isabel • want what you have
what of it is yours, and what is not?
Lacuna: The Secret Place Between Years
Pleasure doesn’t have to be loud, or messy. It was there in everything, in the stillness and even in the uncertainty itself. I was remaking my life. I was writing my way through it.
Slutty new year
“It’s better not to know so much about what things mean or how they might be interpreted—you’ll be afraid to let things keep happening.”
Prompts for David Lynch
The opposite of an unfolding is a vision. A vision springs, not from a careful understanding of a context, but from a fantasy: if you could just make it into another context your problems will go away.
Henrik Karlsson • Everything That Turned Out Well in My Life Followed the Same Design Process
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