• How ‘Your Package Has Been Delivered’ and other Automated Messages Erase Essential Human Labor ❧ Current Affairs

    Thumbnail of How ‘Your Package Has Been Delivered’ and other Automated Messages Erase Essential Human Labor ❧ Current Affairs

    Faith Hahn added 10mo ago

  • The Expanding Job

    by Anne Helen Petersen

    4 highlights

    Thumbnail of The Expanding Job

    Danielle Vermeer added 2y ago

  • Anticipation IS Culture

    by Reggie James

    Thumbnail of Anticipation IS Culture

    Sarah Drinkwater added 6mo ago

  • Negations: Capitalism and Schizophrenia

    by Jonah Peretti

    3 highlights

    Sarah Drinkwater added 2y ago

  • Introducing Lifestyle

    by Daisy Alioto

    Thumbnail of Introducing Lifestyle

    Sarah Drinkwater added 1y ago

  • Failure to Cope "Under Capitalism"

    by Clare Coffey

    15 highlights

    Thumbnail of Failure to Cope "Under Capitalism"

    Keely Adler added 2y ago

  • Meditations on Moloch

    by Scott Alexander

    3 highlights

    Thumbnail of Meditations on Moloch

    Gaye Soykok added 2y ago

  • from Musicians deal with stingy streamers and AI threats, too. So why aren't they on strike? by August Brown

    Faith Hahn added 10mo ago

  • That which is unique, breaks

    by Simon Sarris

    Thumbnail of That which is unique, breaks

    Sarah Drinkwater added 7mo ago

  • alex added 9mo ago