Sixian and
Sixian and
As a consumer, you subscribe to one vision or another: what’s your version of hiking out doors? What type of vibe are you about? Purist? Gorpy? High intensity? Meditative? But in all cases, the branded subculture itself is the main thing, while the role of physical goods is diminished. Their job is not to drive value, but to add another layer of de
... See moreWe are currently living in a time when the lines between fantasy and reality are blurring and virtual worlds are creating room for new rules of self-expression and identity. Success in virtual realms like the metaverse won’t be driven by those who adhere to traditional norms but by those willing to establish entirely new ones.
“I cannot but see you as myself. It is in the very nature of love to see no difference.”
― Nisargadatta Maharaj, I Am That: Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
A thing in the world is not innately a “nodal point” just waiting for you to encounter it, your recognition and love and attention for the thing is what makes it a “nodal point.”
Your radar is you. Not the things you focus on, but the orientation, the internal ruleset, your magnetism towards things, the natural intuition that you’ve had your whole life. The “desire lines” are you.