
exploring the enduring concept of hope

by Prashanth Narayan and · updated 14d ago

  • from Our days are both rough and slippery. Hope brings traction | Psyche Ideas by John Lysaker

    Mary Martin added 3mo ago

  • "I Wish You Bad Luck"

    by JamesClear.com

    10 highlights

    Thumbnail of "I Wish You Bad Luck"

    Prashanth Narayan added 2y ago

  • Following the last few years I’m feeling empty and more cynical than ever. I’m losing faith in other people, and I’m scared to pass these feelings to my little son. Do you still believe in Us (human beings)?

    by Nick Cave

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    Thumbnail of Following the last few years I’m feeling empty and more cynical than ever. I’m losing faith in other people, and I’m scared to pass these feelings to my little son. Do you still believe in Us (human beings)?

    sari added 2y ago

  • Calling for a More-Than-Human Politics

    by Anab Jain

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    Thumbnail of Calling for a More-Than-Human Politics

    Keely Adler added 2y ago

  • from Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities by Rebecca Solnit

    Keely Adler added 1mo ago

  • from Dirt: The indomitable human spirit by Dirt

    Keely Adler added 1mo ago

  • Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities

    by Rebecca Solnit

    5 highlights

    Cover of Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities

    Keely Adler added 2mo ago

  • What’s the Use of Hope?

    by Kieran Setiya

    6 highlights

    Thumbnail of What’s the Use of Hope?

    Keely Adler added 1y ago

  • from 100 Positive News from 2023 | Gapminder

    Mary Martin added 6mo ago

  • from The Guardian by Rebecca Solnit

    Mary Martin added 6mo ago