Cognitive Reprogramming
A long-term project learning practices in using physical micro actions, thoughts and verbal cues to activate desired mental and emotional states on demand.
Cognitive Reprogramming
A long-term project learning practices in using physical micro actions, thoughts and verbal cues to activate desired mental and emotional states on demand.
Feb 12, 2025
I listed down all the work I’m unable to get around to doing, or have slipped from my mind. All the things that make me feel like I’ve failed.
I noticed something different as I wrote these things down in my journal. I began feeling heavy in the heart, disappointed of course but as I neared the end I was smiling? This was new.
... See moreThe DAPPER framework
Don’t react:
Awareness: Become aware of your emotional state. What are you feeling.
Pause: Take a breath.
Ponder: What options are available for you.
Emotional state: Choose the emotional state that works best for you, serves your to a path to empowerement and growth.
Respond: Decide how you want to Respond.
DBT books
How can I use words, thoughts and speech to act as a mantra, totem or a reboot mechanism to change my mental/emotional state on command?
Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of a cancer cell. -Edward Abbey
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)