Cognitive Reprogramming
A long-term project learning practices in using physical micro actions, thoughts and verbal cues to activate desired mental and emotional states on demand.
Cognitive Reprogramming
A long-term project learning practices in using physical micro actions, thoughts and verbal cues to activate desired mental and emotional states on demand.
Containing emotions or controlling emotional states, especially confidence.
Shinzen has this simple formula he will often display while teaching:
Pain x Resistance = Suffering
Pain x Equanimity = Purification
Purification is maybe a big idea, but you can think of it as the undoing of what keeps us closed off to a more expansive and connected state of being or awareness. When we open to pain and allow it to move through us uno
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"I was waiting for something extraordinary to happen, but as the years wasted on, nothing ever did unless I caused it.”
—Charles Bukowski
DBT books
Resignation is a choice too. Waiting for things to happen is a choice too. But none of these is a great way to make your life even the tiny bit the way you yearn for.
Don't let things happen to you, don't react to stimulus. Be the stimulant. Be the catalyst.