Your Ordinary Is Your Audience’s Extraordinary
visitors aren’t looking for a unique offer. They’re looking for a company they trust. They’re looking for a product or service offer they like.
Henneke Duistermaat • How to Write Seductive Web Copy: An Easy Guide to Picking Up More Customers
spoke that day about what it means to have an extraordinary life. It does not happen by chance, or through hard work, or through a unique set of skills. There is actually a methodology that anyone can employ—a code you can learn—that will catapult your life into the realm of the extraordinary.
Vishen Lakhiani • The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed on Your Own Terms
Your experience, expertise and/or your education Your passion and/or purpose Your unique viewpoint—for example, the big idea that you are developing within your subject area
Rhea Wessel • Write Like a Thought Leader: How to Find a Constant Stream of Story Ideas to Position Yourself As the Go-To Expert in Your Niche
I’ve always had a personal mission to create brands that change the world. I seek to do this with every client, even if they only reach one hundred people a day. I believe organizations of all sizes can create brands that delight, inspire, and make the world a better place—in big or small ways—while still making stockholders or owners happy.
Maria Ross • Branding Basics for Small Business, 2nd Edition: How to Create an Irresistible Brand on Any Budget
Differentiation happens when you authentically amplify the best of you—discovering how to be more of who you are, rather than finding ways to be a version of the competition.
Bernadette Jiwa • Story Driven: You don't need to compete when you know who you are
Clearly demonstrating your unique value proposition (UVP) can be a great way to grab visitors’ attention.
Ben Hunt • Convert!: Designing Web Sites to Increase Traffic and Conversion
The key to finding your remarkability is to think about what makes you surprising, interesting, or novel.
Mark Schaefer • The Content Code: Six essential strategies to ignite your content, your marketing, and your business
“Be a maker who makes something interesting people want. Show your craft, practice your craft, and the right people will eventually find you.” [14]