Saved by Atmos Black and
The Path of No Resistance: Why Overcoming is Simpler than You Think
Saved by Atmos Black and
Explanations and solutions cannot be found in form. So when you look outside, you manufacture, validate, and perpetuate problems that don’t really exist. If you keep looking that way (in your desire to make sense of things and feel better), there’s no end to the distorted perceptions or potential mayhem that could occur.
feelings actually have a divine purpose: They’re our intuitive guide, our navigational instrument. We feel our thinking. So it’s our feelings that let us know if our thinking is helpful or hurtful, or if we’re seeing life with understanding or disdain. For example, if I disagree with the actions of one of my friends, my feelings are telling me if I
... See moreWhen it’s time to change things up, the feeling will be direct, immediate, and resolute (i.e., no thought). When it’s time to stay in the game, the feeling will be scattered, confused, and ambivalent (i.e., too much thought).
recognizing your thoughts as the foundation for your feelings won’t, as a rule, make you feel better on the spot. But it will prevent you from intensifying the turmoil by trying to fix or force things.
You can’t force yourself to care. You can’t force yourself to love. The key is understanding why at times you don’t feel loving and caring: It’s the regular ups and downs of your thinking (a clear mind loves, a cluttered mind does not). Your life, including those around you, is never to blame.
have you ever noticed how worries grow when we feed them with attention and belief?
If you want to consistently perform at your best, love is especially relevant because it doesn’t require deliberate thought. It’s the byproduct of consciousness. When a person uncovers a high level of consciousness, insights flow and answers—including how to stay ahead of the competition—become obvious. By contrast, when a person exists at a low le
... See moreI will no longer try to fight myself through any negativity because I know it’s temporary. All I need to do is stay in the game and know the roller coaster will soon trend upward. Every day it gets easier, and my time at the low end gets shorter.
competition, at its root, is a form of cooperation in disguise.