Saved by Yaro Celis
Good PM vs Bad PM
sari added
Kassen Qian added
The product manager is responsible for prioritizing the product roadmap and communicating it to the team. Not as a top down dictator, but as a consensus builder amongst all the stakeholders, breaking a tie when necessary.
Brian Armstrong • A Letter To A New Product Manager
sari added
Good product managers err on the side of clarity vs. explaining the obvious. Bad product managers never explain the obvious. Good product managers define their job and their success. Bad product managers constantly want to be told what to do.
Andreessen Horowitz (AZ) • Good Product Manager/Bad Product Manager | Andreessen Horowitz
Kassen Qian added
A Smart Bear » The “Great” Product Manager, a.k.a. the Impossible Product Manager
Jason Cohenlongform.asmartbear.comSimon Joliveau Breney added
sari and added
PM version 10 -30 - 50 product , execution analytical are the ones who consistently outperform in Product management
Apple • Shreyas Doshi on pre-mortems, the LNO framework, the three levels of product work, why most execution problems are strategy problems, and ROI vs. opportunity cost thinking
Gaia Soykok added
Good product managers err on the side of clarity. Bad product managers never even explain the obvious. Good product managers define their job and their success. Bad product managers constantly want to be told what to do.