Betting on acts of terrorism - UK Indymedia by Lucas Kohorst
Betting on acts of terrorism - UK Indymedia
Saved by Lucas Kohorst
Opponents of the commercialization of sovereignty will do their best to inflame doubts about the new global culture of the Information Age and the demise of the nation-state that it implies. Another possible hitch arising from epigenesis, or genetically influenced motivational factors, is the prospect that the “losers and left-behinds” will respond
... See moreOther countries hire terrorists, we hire terrorist states, we’re a big, powerful country.
There were federal agencies responsible for managing the economy. The entire range of the subprime mortgages had federal involvement, but the federal agencies did not work with each other. Had they done so, the problem would have become apparent. But experts in buying mortgages from banks at Fannie Mae, experts in white-collar crime at the FBI, exp
... See moreAndrew Redleaf and Richard Vigilante write in Panic: The Betrayal of Capitalism by Wall Street and Washington, “The ideology of modern finance replaced the capitalist’s appreciation for free markets as a context for human creativity with the worship of efficient markets as substitutes for that creativity. The result was a divorce of entrepreneurial
... See moreThe defense industry is able to monopolize the best scientific and research talent and squander the nation’s resources and investment capital. These defense industries produce nothing that is useful for society or the national trade account. They offer little more than a psychological security blanket for fearful Americans who want to feel protecte
... See moredollars being invested under the auspice of “doing good” (Social Investment Forum, ii). This approach is designed to make investors feel good about their portfolio investments, typically by screening out companies that sell “bad” products, like cigarettes, alcohol, and nuclear weapons.