The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age
James Dale Davidson, Lord William
The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age
Dutch were able to purchase Manhattan for twenty-three dollars’ worth of beads is that the particular Indians to whom they made the offer were not the ones who properly owned it.
Soviet state took the lives of 50 million persons in seventy-four years of rule.
phone and automatically getting a dial tone.
As we have said at several points, government’s principal economic function from the perspective of those who pay the taxes is to provide protection of life and property. Yet the government often operates like organized crime, extracting resources from people within its sphere of operations as tribute or plunder. Government is not only a protection
... See moreThere will be no Chevrolets and no UAW to strike on the Information Superhighway.
Entrepreneurs can provide collective goods by market means. Many already do so now in real world communities. Foldvary’s case studies show how the privatization of communities can result in new mechanisms for providing and financing public goods and services.35
Market forces, not political majorities, will compel societies to reconfigure themselves in ways that public opinion will neither comprehend nor welcome. As they do, the naïve view that history is what people wish it to be will prove wildly misleading. It will therefore be crucial that you see the world anew. That means looking from the outside in
... See moreWe have many people who are disorientated these days.
Unless there is an astonishing and almost miraculous change in policies, the successful investor or entrepreneur in the Information Age will pay a lifetime penalty of tens of millions, hundreds of millions, or even billions of dollars to reside in the countries with fiscal policies like those that have enjoyed the highest living standards during th
... See moreIs this still true?