Lael Johnson


Retired cat lady and life coach. Also a Jesus believer,/follower, creative, loves Japanese culture, Celtic music, Pinterest person and clean humor, plus other stuff.

  • from Cultivating a State of Mind Where New Ideas Are Born

  • from Cultivating a State of Mind Where New Ideas Are Born

  • from Cultivating a State of Mind Where New Ideas Are Born

  • from Cultivating a state of mind where new ideas are born by Henrik Karlsson

  • Preview of p-c7ksm7flzkw

    “A post for the creatives who just need to hide away. It is safe to hide away for a while darling. Momentum won’t leave. You will make momentum. You won’t lose opportunities, you will make them. Because in the quiet you will find more and more art. In the silence ideas will be heard. Be brave enough to sneak away and leave us all desperate for more.” - Amie ( @inspiredtowrite ) post via @filmmkrs