


  • Facing Up to the Problem of Consciousness

    David Chalmers discusses the hard problem of consciousness, proposing a nonreductive theory based on principles of structural coherence, organizational invariance, and a double-aspect view of information.

    by David J. Chalmers


  • The Ontological Argument

    The ontological argument presented by St. Anselm discusses the existence of God as something than which nothing greater can be thought, refuting the claim that God does not exist.

    by St. Anselm


  • The Idea of a Social Science and its Relation to Philosophy

    Epistemology, philosophy, and social sciences are examined to understand the nature of human understanding and its relation to society in relation to scientific and philosophical perspectives.

    by Peter Winch


  • Proslogium

    St. Anselm argues for the existence of a God that is greater than anything conceivable. Gaunilo responds, challenging the logic by comparing it to the concept of a lost island.

    by Gaunilo of Marmoutiers
