Agalia Tan


Senior Strategist at We Are Social

RADAR Chapter Lead for Singapore

  • NavigatePsychology on TikTok

    Thumbnail of NavigatePsychology on TikTok

  • from The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin

  • from 50 Things I Know - By Sasha Chapin - Sasha's 'Newsletter' by Sasha Chapin

    things you should remember

  • Preview of 20ab549c5a23-jpg

  • Events with Friends | Emotional Ergonomics & Designing for Feelings with Shuya Gong & Olivia Vagelos

  • from Forty Years, Forty Lessons


  • from Conviction by Anonymous

  • RADAR EWF | Emotional Ergonomics & Designing for Feelings

    Thumbnail of RADAR EWF | Emotional Ergonomics & Designing for Feelings