• from Every Day a Groundhog Day by tals.substack.com

    virality is so last season

  • New Yorkers Are Turning to Dinner Party-Style Restaurants to Make Friends (and Find Dates)

    by Emma Orlow

    7 highlights


  • from Unpacking our generational fear of codependency by i-D


  • from When Your Purpose Is 1-of-1 by Yancey Strickler

    moneyball and when creating vector, i thought of...

  • from Tweet by Jason Fried

  • from 2023 end of year letter by sublimeinternet.substack.com

    when creating vector, i thought of...

  • from A Major Regret in My Life: My Camera Roll

    we are all curating

  • success

  • from Why Everything is Becoming a Game


  • from Absolute Success is Luck. Relative Success is Hard Work. by James Clear
