One alternative to this state of affairs is to ditch the idea, should we be under its sway, that what we need to make our way in the world is simply more information. For one thing, there are practical difficulties: even in cases where more information might be genuinely helpful, it may not be forthcoming when we need it. But, more importantly, som... See more
Hyperstructures can be simultaneously free forever to utilize and extremely valuable to own. This is possible because of their unstoppability. There is no cost to maintain and keep the protocol operational forever. Once deployed, it will work exactly as it’s designed with no degradation. For example, if the Uniswap team and website disappeared toda... See more
As a result of that size / scale of deposit base it’s almost impossible for Neobanks to compete on cost of capital which means they need to follow suit & implement a subscription bundle.
Have faith in yourself, but also have faith in faith. Not faith as others define it. Faith as you define it. Faith as faith defines itself in your heart.
if your job is legible enough that people can make a dataset clearly pointing out what is right and what is wrong, you are at the highest risk for an AI model being “superhuman” at your job. It is even more risky if it is possible to articulate your thought process in a way that is verifiable.
Looking at this perspective, it makes more sense that c... See more