For decades we’ve assumed that online items were less valuable than physical ones, and internet participation was more about connecting the physical to the digital and managing your physical life online. With NFTs, that responsibility has changed. Not only has the digital world been completely untethered from the physical world, but we are now able... See more
If platforms like Vine and TikTok aim to make us all content creators, subscription platforms like Spotify aim to make us all content curators, picking our favorite tracks and sharing them with friends and the internet at large. While curating our music choices might give us a brief flash of empowerment, like we’ve somehow escaped the clutches of c... See more
The takeout and delivery business needs to be rethought. I see two new popular paths emerging. They represent diametrically opposing views of this space.
Many restaurants, especially the small ones that represent the majority of all eating establishments in the U.S., dislike delivery apps. They charge up to a 30% commission, which owners say is unsustainable. They also control data that would otherwise enable direct relationships with customers.
“We take astrology very seriously, but we also don't necessarily believe in it,” says Annabel Gat, the staff astrologer at Broadly, “because it’s a tool for self-reflection, it’s not a religion or a science. It’s just a way to look at the world and a way to think about things.”
Could MySpace have been saved? Percival talked about what the company might have done differently, and admitted that by the time he arrived in 2009, it was possibly unsaveable – not least because by that time, it was difficult to hire the most talented engineers against competition from Facebook, Google and other rising tech companies.
The real questions for parents should be: "Are you engaged? Are you paying attention?" If so, plan to make lots of mistakes and bad decisions. Imperfect parenting moments turn into gifts as our children watch us try to figure out what went wrong and how we can do better next time. The mandate is not to be perfect and raise happy children. Perfectio... See more
1. Who Haven’t I Heard From?2. How Well Do I Know My Team Members? How Well Do They Know Each Other?3. Have I Made A Difference To Each Member Of My Team This Week?4. Have I Expressed Gratitude To Every Single Person On My Team Recently?5. Is Anyone A Flight Risk?