do what you love, but solve for distribution
time to get over yourself and engage in some cringey self-promotion
sari and
do what you love, but solve for distribution
time to get over yourself and engage in some cringey self-promotion
sari and
Writer David Foster Wallace said that he thought good nonfiction was a chance to “watch somebody reasonably bright but also reasonably average pay far closer attention and think at far more length about all sorts of different stuff than most of us have a chance to in our daily lives.” Amateurs fit the same bill: They’re just regular people who get
... See moreThink of everything as work in progress and share it without the pressure of trying to make it perfect
When you believe the work before you is the single piece that will forever define you, it’s difficult to let it go. The urge for perfection is overwhelming. It’s too much. We are frozen, and sometimes end up convincing ourselves that discarding the entire work is the only way to move forward. The only art the world gets to enjoy is from creators wh
... See moreRick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being
Think of everything as work in progress and share it without the pressure of trying to make it perfect
Think of everything as work in progress and share it without the pressure of perfection
Algorithms pick winners. The worst content you make will be seen by NO-ONE. That should liberate you - Eugene Healey
i liked how Yancey mitigated his desires with publishing and creating for himself