- Your DAO just raised 250 ETH. You celebrate, but you barely have time to soak it in because your contributors get right to work. All is going great, until tasks start getting lost in Discord 👇
- Sketches show us how messy the creative process really is. You need to explore. You need to goof around. You need to postpone the self-criticism. The worst thing you can do as a creator is compare your initial draft to somebody's final one.
show this and compre to Sublime designs in a funny way
- Ethereum will be the new government bond. Staked ETH, or PoS asset of a dominant blockchain, will replace US Treasuries as the risk-free asset in any portfolio. This shall be the biggest revolution in the history of financial markets. Here’s how I think it’ll go down 👇
- How Barstool Sports is Building The Future of Media (Thread) Barstool Sports has gone from a niche sports site to a $100M revenue company. I explain how 👇
- “My whole life has been spent trying to teach people that intense concentration for hour after hour can bring out in people resources they didn’t know they had.” — Edwin Land
- Elon Musk emails Tesla employees October 4, 2021
- The paradox of ChatGPT: it's both a step forward beyond GUIs, because you can ask for anything not just what’s been built as a feature with a button, but also a step back, because very quickly you have to memorise obscure incantations, like the command lines GUIs replaced.
- There's a natural book publishing model for Substack to mirror that of QQ Reading: Start with a free newsletter. Each edition is a chapter. Readers can consume X chapters for free (high start %). Once reader gets to chapter Y, they pay to unlock ending: See more
- The most serious problem facing any organization is the one that cannot be discussed.