Agosti: Wallets do have virtuous cycles and network effects of sorts. Developers integrate with popular wallets, and developers build applications that attract users, making the wallets more popular. In an indirect way, developer adoption has been the main driver of growth for wallets like Metamask. Users don't download Metamask to use Metamask; th... See more
It’s 2021 and I still receive physical mail. I receive so much that it doesn’t fit in my mailbox. The mailman put my mail in a USPS cart, drops it at my front door, and I dump it all in my recycle bin. We need to solve this.
One of his keys to success: Bell sets aside hours each week to solely do curation and find inspiration. He’ll browse Tumblr and build countless boards on “ is my favorite website ever, the browse page is amazing, you can look at everything being added in real-time to the site,” he said. “That feed is the most organic, serendipitous pl... See more
Instead of setting up shop in malls, brands are increasingly entering cool neighborhoods and renting storefronts next to the places where people work, eat, and seek out entertainment. Retail in “town center”-type locations is strong; according to Public Square, occupancy rates in those areas average around 95%.
Braintrust is a user-owned talent network that is growing fast and reaching real scale just eighteen months after launching the public beta of the protocol last June. $37 million in Gross Service Value (GSV) – what Clients pay Talent – has flowed through the network, with nearly twice that contracted for the coming months.
Brands need to rethink how to serve the new consumers of this not so new generation; marketers should innovate in the ways to reach them; and investors must keep in mind the latest consumer trends driven by Gen Z’s new norms. Young people have a tremendous influence on all other generations and in the ways these older people consume.
Reelgood has grown quietly but quickly over the years, and then even faster during the pandemic. It now has 6 million users, up from 2 million at the beginning of 2020. Its website is its most popular platform, driven by some excellent SEO work and a pop in Google searches for "where to stream" shows and movies. Reelgood wasn't the first player in ... See more
To recap, the four ideas discussed above are:1. Send a message API / button- Enabling devs to promote person-to-person messaging in their apps2. Content Platform in Messenger- Turning stickers into an open market- Adding memes and videos to the market- Building a simple in-message games platform3. App-to-person messages and agents- Enabling apps an... See more
Credit should be given to Adi Ignatius for HBP’s performance, but of course much is owed to its business model. Like few others, HBR has nailed a “make once, sell infinitely” approach. Case studies and courses are able to command a high price (can you imagine spending $18 for a single NYT article?), require little to no added maintenance, and are o... See more
Media creators today can issue their own cryptographic token and design distribution and incentives around it to trigger a virtuous cycle for themselves and their fans. A simple token economics model could help media creators bootstrap funding for new projects, reward early fans and rally communities towards a common goal. In short, communities sho... See more