non-coercive marketing
sari and
non-coercive marketing
sari and
an ad for some skin cream that is honest - taught the consumer something true and useful:
This is Gycolic Acid
It exfoliates your skin.
It’s a chemical
just like water is a chemical, and oxygen is a chemical.It can cost you $40.
or $13
no matter how hard we try to be humane and ethical in our small businesses, we hit a wall real fast when we’re still trying to operate within the vocabulary and architecture of conventional marketing.
Pretty much every marketing tactic is built around treating people as a means to some end (making money). In fact, Kant struggled much of his life with the ethical implications of capitalism and wealth inequality. He believed that it was impossible for anyone to amass a fortune without some degree of manipulation or coercion along the way. Therefor
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