Fast forward to today and all of the knowledge is available free on the Internet and there is far more efficient instruction (both time- and money-wise) from places like Lambda School. Recently, most schools are dropping SATs and ACTs, so the universities no longer are proxies for intelligence tests. As a result, the value of going to a prestigious... See more
people value intelligence and cleverness without similarly valuing on-the-ground knowledge or intellectual rigor. People often discuss the standard trendy topics (some recent ones I've observed at multiple parties are how to build a competitor to Google search and how to solve the problem of high transit construction costs) and explain why pe... See more
What should be covered in a one-on-one? We can start with performance figures, indicators used by the subordinate, such as incoming order rates, production output, or project status. Emphasis should be on indicators that signal trouble. The meeting should also cover anything important that has happened since the last meeting: current hiring problem... See more