Digital campfires become a much more attractive alternative — one that requires more groundwork and more careful tending, but one that could potentially have big payoffs for brands in terms of loyalty, retention, and long-term love.
Wander is different because we own 100% of the homes on our platform, which means we have complete control over the quality (high), the technology (smart), and the locations (inspiring). With our app, guests have total home operation at their fingertips –– from unlocking the door to setting the temperature to turning on the fireplace to adjusting t... See more
That’s what happened in the physical world. But in the digital world, there’s still no equivalent of Google Maps to understand all the different online communities and spaces that many of us interact with. You can try to Google them, but Google isn’t very helpful. We are still in this sort of uncharted, “natives only,” IYKYK stage of cartography in... See more
As with other social networks that grow, Instagram broadened its formats early on to head off several format-based asymptotes. Non-square photos and videos with gradually lengthening time limits have broadened the use cases and, more importantly, removed some level of production friction.
3 — Product and technology solutions that are integrated by IP owners delivering value to both gamers (in the form of enhanced game play, social interactions, or viewing) and publishers (distribution, engagement, or monetization) will create lasting products in the gaming / esports ecosystem.
So how does Jack make money? With multiple revenue streams that have co-evolved with his growth in followers. Below is Jack’s monetization chronology with the rough percentage breakdown of income generated: