- Web3 aims to expand ownership re: A) economic upside &B) governance. IMO: A is underrated—Giving upside to >1000x more stakeholders can disrupt the network effects of aggregators B is overrated—There'll be some positives, but we'll experience the downsides of unclear leadership
Governance and
BuzzFeed’s Jonah Peretti on why he bought HuffPost and why the New York Times can’t be "the paper of record"
4 highlights
- Every time I read about crypto use cases, I remember that for about three years half the mobile industry said ‘one day you’ll walk past a Starbucks and a location system will send you a free coupon!’ That never happened… but meanwhile no-one noticed taxis.
- An idea for an essay series: Study how companies have changed their websites over time. 1) Use See more
- Why Bundling is the Future of Paid Newsletters? (Thread) How many paid newsletters are you really going to pay for? @danshipper and @nbashaw's Everything Bundle solves this Thread 👇
- It's wild how literally everything around us is the way it is for a reason ...and just stays that way, unless some strong external force causes it to change (quote from @MikeShatzkin's excellent newsletter)
The a16z WFH Podcast: Remote Work and Our New Reality | Andreessen Horowitz
- The DTC winner of 2020 would be the marketplace for home improvement, interior design, and hardware. All of the modern brands in a central location. Key design categories: 1/ interior plants, pottery 2/ standing desks, ergonomic tools 3/ cookware storage 4/ children's edu tools
- So much of the "tools for thought" space is designed around personal note taking, personal research work and personal knowledge management. Who is working on the community version of "tools for thought"? Where are the shared knowledge gardens?
- Something for decentralized social graph protocols to consider: Social connections are not homogeneous, but instead differ in their degree of: - intensity/affinity - context - duration - velocity