rob hardy
“A principle isn’t a principle until it costs you something.” — Bill Bernbach
Quotes and
“I am a series of small victories and large defeats and I am as amazed as any other that I have gotten from there to here.”
-Charles Bukowski
- “I’ve never seen any life transformation that didn’t begin with the person in question finally getting sick of their own bullshit” – Elizabeth Gilbert
from Tweet by Oliver Burkeman
Quotes and
- A leading indicator of personal growth is how curious you are able to be with all your emotions - especially the ones you weren't allowed to feel as a kid.
from Tweet by Joe Hudson
- “The hardest part of learning something new is not embracing new ideas, but letting go of old ones.” — Todd Rose
from Introduction | The Principles
- rationality is a method of dealing with uncertainty by devouring information and making simplifying assumptions about the outside world until you can convince yourself that you understand it
from Tweet by hinterlander
self trust and
He who jumps into the void owes no explanation to those who stand and watch.
– Jean-Luc Godard
self trust and
when you build a thing you cannot merely build that thing in isolation, but must also repair the world around it, and within it, so that the larger world at that one place becomes more coherent, and more whole; and the thing which you make takes its place in the web of nature, as you make it.
from A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction (Center for Environmental Structure Series) by Christopher Alexander