Here’s a simple mnemonic you can use the next time you arrive at a line: “W.A.I.T.”
WAIT stands for W hy are you being an A sshole, I t’s not like any of us want T o be here either.
Remember: “Waiting in Line” is a critical skill of human beings, and one of the basic building blocks of a decent society. If you’d like to see what life would be like w... See more
If you have it, time is the easiest trick for self-editing. Simply put your work away long enough so when you come back to it you can see it with fresh eyes.
You are always internalizing the culture around you. Even when you wish you didn’t. So you better surround yourself with something you want inside—curate a culture.
The most important features for a product are usually the ones that were built first. Once you get past a certain level of functionality, a lot of the new functionality on the roadmap often targets just a subset of users (e.g. power users) or supports use cases that are adjacent to the core use cases. So it’s a safer bet that you’ll drive more busi... See more