Natalie Audelo


designing social architecture and community experiences that build trust, generate creativity, and encourage authentic human connection. exploring the healing power of play, movement, music and other integrative practices.

  • redefining success and loving the process

  • Preview of p-cyknv1zbamd

    this year, and beyond, i will move with my own mutability as a gift and no longer search for performative one-dimensionality. being home has taught me this, as i have had to witness my own shapeshifting and reckon with the deep-rooted reasons for it. i remember one day hearing adrienne maree brown and bayo akomolafe ask each other, “so what if i’m a shapeshifter?” and how they instinctually move and mutate through the cracks of the earth, and i haven’t stopped thinking about it since. this piece of writing is inspired by that question. as i become many different forms, i will stay grounded in my ever-changing essence and merge together the many shapes i am capable of becoming. 💞

    Authenticity and

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    Beautiful reminder to treat each other with great tenderness. Sending big love to everyone feeling the weight of grief. 💜 @rosemerry.trommer words via @alexmammadyarov


  • Experience Design and

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    I love people like this — bakwaaas // tumblr

    qualities i admire