Natalie Audelo


designing social architecture and community experiences that build trust, generate creativity, and encourage authentic human connection. exploring the healing power of play, movement, music and other integrative practices.

  • The opposite of retail therapy is fearless generosity.

from Eco-Friendly Products

  • Preview of p-cucx3eqg8vo

    Mention someone and the thing that reminds you of them 🤍— kateordie // tumblr


  • from The Neuroscience of Trust by Paul J. Zak

    how to build trust

  • loving the process

  • from Generative Engagement

    building a new world and

  • from Andy Sparks—Putting People in Play by Andy Sparks

  • from Schopenhauer’s Advice on How to Achieve Great Things by Arthur C. Brooks

  • from Maria Popova — Cartographer of Meaning in a Digital Age by Maria Popova

    loving the process and

  • Preview of p-cyoxvj1ujxx

    Beautiful reminder to treat each other with great tenderness. Sending big love to everyone feeling the weight of grief. đź’ś @rosemerry.trommer words via @alexmammadyarov
