• The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You

    by Julie Zhuo

    Cover of The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You
  • Who: The A Method for Hiring

    by Geoff Smart

    1 highlight

    Cover of Who: The A Method for Hiring
  • Openness. You are not hiring a finished product, and therefore want to ensure the person is open to improvement and new ideas.

    1. What to look for:

      1. Coachability: This trait has two aspects: responding well to feedback, and being self-aware enough to assess their own performance.

      2. Disagree and commit: Can they get out of their own ego and move forwa
  • ... See more

from How to Hire Low Experience, High Potential People by Tara Seshan

Brandy Cerne added