Natalie Audelo


designing social architecture and community experiences that build trust, generate creativity, and encourage authentic human connection. exploring the healing power of play, movement, music and other integrative practices.

  • Life After Lifestyle

    by Toby

    32 highlights

    Thumbnail of Life After Lifestyle

    Cultural Production and

  • Driving With Mr. Gil: A Retiree Teaches Afghan Women the Rules of the Road

    by Miriam Jordan

    Thumbnail of Driving With Mr. Gil: A Retiree Teaches Afghan Women the Rules of the Road

    restore your faith in humanity

  • 10 things I wish I knew about careers when I started

    by Molly Graham

    Thumbnail of 10 things I wish I knew about careers when I started

    Early Career Advice and early days

  • A Korean Secret to Keeping Friendships Strong: Savings Groups

    Thumbnail of A Korean Secret to Keeping Friendships Strong: Savings Groups

    adult friendship

  • how to find your people

  • confidence and