Natalie Audelo


designing social architecture and community experiences that build trust, generate creativity, and encourage authentic human connection. exploring the healing power of play, movement, music and other integrative practices.

  • Life in Seven Songs

  • Preview of reel-c6ewflmmxbv

    Packed to the brim with every material imaginable, @scrapsf is where your art supplies go on to live their second life. If you’ve got a few bucks and a couple hours to kill—or some stuff piling up that could use a new home—stop by!#SFStandard #SanFrancisco #SFArtists #ArtSupplies #ScrapSF

  • Take a Book. Share a Book. - Little Free Library

    Thumbnail of Take a Book. Share a Book. - Little Free Library

  • SUAY SEW SHOP @suaysewshop

    Thumbnail of SUAY SEW SHOP @suaysewshop


    Thumbnail of GP DINNERS

  • from It’s My Party and I’ll Read If I Want To by Molly Young

  • from Opinion | A Deceptively Simple Way to Rebuild Trust in Scary Times

  • Preview of am-png-a984