“The most popular podcasts aren’t uniquely different, they’re just best in craft. They’re just doing the same thing that everyone else is doing but at a much higher level. I think that’s the same as newsletters, I think that’s the same thing as everything else.... you don’t need to be completely different, you just need to be good at what you’re do... See more
when you have something useful to say, articulated in an unusual and interesting way, delivered to a specific group of people [who hang out together], word of mouth spreads.
And, as with Seth Godin, David didn’t need growth hacks in the 90s and he wouldn’t need them today.
Because the noise makes it hard to find quality, interesting perspectives, whi... See more
“the dark forest” region of the web is becoming increasingly important as a space of online communication for users of all ages and political persuasions. In part, this is because it is less sociologically stressful than the clearnet zone, where one is subject to peer, employer, and state exposure.
Scenario number one is a disparity in economic power, in which the folks with the data and the algorithms have—and add all of—the economic value, and the rest of the workforce adds little or none.
That scenario could create an awful social disruption.